This. Is. DEADLY!

Two posts in one day! GASP!

Not a review, but I saw this and fell into mad, sweaty love with it and HAD To share!

Music Video for the Chemical Brothers “Sometimes I Feel So Deserted,” off their new album Born In the Echoes.

Why I LOVE It:

Two zombies missing parts come together to form a whole – but the remaining whole is female. And STRONGER than before!

That last scene where she’s running at the truck – MAGIC.

In other news Mad Max: Fury Road is out on dvd/blu ray on Tues. This video has me all excited for it all over again!

Epic Rap Battles of History: Stan Lee vs. Jim Henson

You have to watch the the whole thing! It starts out a little rough (NOBODY TALKS SHIT ABOUT HENSON IN MY HOUSE. NOBODY) but it gets so, so good. And you might check out their other stuff – heaven knows they have something for everyone!

ERBs can be hit or miss, but the latest one NAILED. IT.

You have to watch the the whole thing! It starts out a little rough* but it gets so, so good. And you might check out their other stuff – heaven knows they have something for everyone and there are worse ways to spend a Saturday morning!

I got some new posts cooking! Stay tuned!

*Nobody talks shit about Henson in my house. NOBODY.

Another Kind of Christopher Lee Memory

It’s been a hell of a week, folks.

I had a crazy busy weekend, and then was down with food poisoning Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I discovered my leave doesn’t accrue the way I thought and I’d have to burn two floating holidays to make up for the 48 hrs I spent on the bathroom floor.

I’ve done the sad thing for Christopher Lee, but the man made himself 5 lifetimes out of one and made it last nearly a century.

So let’s raise a glass (or a carafe, or a tumbler, or hell a bucket) and remember a man that grabbed life by the short hairs and didn’t let go for a long, long time!

Steven Glassman, I know you’ll remember this one! 😀

And because everyone else is posting it, here’s Sir Christopher’s version of My Way. I wish it was mastered differently, or maybe it’s my shitty speakers but his glorious voice isn’t given the attention it deserves. You could butter noodles with that magical bass!


… are in the trailer for Guillermo Del Toro’s Crimson Peak.

Atmospheric Gothic setting?


Huge incredibly-designed house that calls back to a gilded age?


Fantastic art direction in a Victorian setting that includes elements of steampunk and crazy-ass CG ghost effects?


Jim Beaver from Deadwood and Supernatural?

Check, idjits!

Tom “TiddlesmyDiddles” Hiddleston…. shirtless?

CHECK. That is a BIG ten-four, folks.


…It’s coming out within a week of my birthday!

Should be in theaters in October, but whether it’s the 13th or 23rd I can’t tell.

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