Escape Into Storytelling – Virago Chapter 2

Late to the Theater
Late to the Theater
Escape Into Storytelling - Virago Chapter 2

In Which Business Arrangements are Discussed; New Friends Are Made; A Feast is Enjoyed; and Pigs Are Disturbed


Beginning February 12th, I will be podcasting my short stories and novels, performing them like old-timey radio plays every week – FREE OF CHARGE! Yes, it’s true!

Hello, Reader!

I would like to make an exciting announcement – the start of a new chapter to my creative journey: podcasting. I am starting a fiction podcast titled Escape Into Storytelling!

Beginning February 12th, I will be podcasting my short stories and novels, performing them like old-timey radio plays every week – FREE OF CHARGE! Yes, it’s true!

I’m not selling anything!

The reason is simple: although I love writing and creating, and I know my work is good enough to be sold (because it has), I hate the idea of turning my love into a hustle. I already have a full time job. While it’s nice to dream of a day when writing pays all my bills, better to hope for that day while still swimming for shore.

For folks who feel moved to contribute, I will set up a donation button. You can donate however much or little, or nothing, that you want.

The complete novels and story collections will be available for purchase from the Amazon/Kindle store again in a few months, but the podcasts will be free to download or stream. The Secret Wilderness and Virago have undergone extensive revision and workshopping since their initial publications, and since I would feel like a jerk selling people the same damned book they already bought, the books or ebooks will be free of charge for old readers.

Late to the Theater is not going anywhere, don’t worry. All your favorite rants and musings on film, books, comics, food, Florida, and hurricanes will still be available. And since I will still have opinions on such, there will be more postings of same in the future.

So please, remember to like, subscribe, and share to help spread the word! And keep an eye on this space for future announcements!
