What’s Next After Virago?

There’s definitely more to come concerning this world, and more short stories will be posted as well.

Monday saw the posting of the last chapter of the Virago Podcast – so what’s next for readers and fans of Adelaide, Neville, Winston, and Gordon?

Hard Dates

October 1st

  • Virago will be available in print and E-Book format from Amazon.
  • Virago episodes will be uploaded to Spotify, where they will be more easily accessible. I’m going to clean up the files (remove those creepy ‘mouth noises’ I sometimes make from having a dry throat) and convert them to .mp3 format. Also, there will be artwork.

Soft Dates

  • The Secret Wilderness podcast will begin, eventually, and is Adelaide’s backstory, which she has been dithering about sharing with anyone and begins to share with Allan in the last chapter. I wrote TSW first, but as the world expanded it seemed better suited as a prequel since Virago appealed to a wider audience. It’s a much smaller story with more horror flavor. Fans of movies like The VVitch and books like The Company of Wolves will find a lot to like.

I don’t have a start date for The Secret Wilderness chosen yet, but I quite like the Spring/Autumn schedule of this year – I know common-held belief for creators is that I should keep posting content or risk losing the audience, that people demand constant content, content content content, but I’m not on that schedule. And these aren’t stories you blow through in a weekend and never read again. When I find something I really like, I spend time on it. I re-read, re-watch, explore fandom, discuss with friends, etc. Also, I have a full time job and a life outside of writing, so as much as I’d like to just write all day, I can’t.

Also, that will mean more time for revising Barghest, the third book in the series. It’s completed, but it needs some work.

So! There’s definitely more to come concerning this world, and more short stories will be posted as well.

In the meantime, I’m making a resolution to focus more on actual writing – the podcast has been fun but without the writing, there’s nothing to share. I’m resolved to spend less time On the Couch, the gravity well toward which I drift so I can watch movies/TV while knitting.

So for now – I want to hear from you! I’m open to observations and suggestions for improvement! Please like, share, subscribe, and let me know what you’re thinking about the story overall, or just say hello!

Until next time, be seeing you!

Escape Into Storytelling News – Future Podcasts and Book News

Good morning, friend!

Here are some developments happening with Virago that I’m excited to share with you! Read on for musings on self-promotion and to find out what’s ahead for Escape Into Storytelling!

Continue reading “Escape Into Storytelling News – Future Podcasts and Book News”


Beginning February 12th, I will be podcasting my short stories and novels, performing them like old-timey radio plays every week – FREE OF CHARGE! Yes, it’s true!

Hello, Reader!

I would like to make an exciting announcement – the start of a new chapter to my creative journey: podcasting. I am starting a fiction podcast titled Escape Into Storytelling!

Beginning February 12th, I will be podcasting my short stories and novels, performing them like old-timey radio plays every week – FREE OF CHARGE! Yes, it’s true!

I’m not selling anything!

The reason is simple: although I love writing and creating, and I know my work is good enough to be sold (because it has), I hate the idea of turning my love into a hustle. I already have a full time job. While it’s nice to dream of a day when writing pays all my bills, better to hope for that day while still swimming for shore.

For folks who feel moved to contribute, I will set up a donation button. You can donate however much or little, or nothing, that you want.

The complete novels and story collections will be available for purchase from the Amazon/Kindle store again in a few months, but the podcasts will be free to download or stream. The Secret Wilderness and Virago have undergone extensive revision and workshopping since their initial publications, and since I would feel like a jerk selling people the same damned book they already bought, the books or ebooks will be free of charge for old readers.

Late to the Theater is not going anywhere, don’t worry. All your favorite rants and musings on film, books, comics, food, Florida, and hurricanes will still be available. And since I will still have opinions on such, there will be more postings of same in the future.

So please, remember to like, subscribe, and share to help spread the word! And keep an eye on this space for future announcements!


Saying Goodbye to Things

Things are not alive. They don’t have meaning other than that which an individual imbues in them. Things are myriad and ultimately worthless to others but priceless to their owners: A 20-year-old band T-shirt that looks more like a fishnet these days; a favorite cooking pot; a piece of shit lawn mower that should have been replaced years ago but whose quirks are known and familiar; a tiny car that zips between tractor trailers on wet highways but always brings its driver home safe.

Things become more than just Things.

Continue reading “Saying Goodbye to Things”

Cinema Quarantino: Comfort Watching

Comfort watching can be anything from reality TV to period costume romances to challenging arthouse fare to old horror movies.

Howdy readers! 

Sometimes the only way to deal with a uncontrollable and terrifying situation is to jump feetfirst into something else. In an attempt to manage my near paralyzing fear right now, I’ll be doing my best to blog more often. It’s a win-win: I regain a sense of control over my world, and you can be entertained for however long it takes you to get through a thousand words or so. So let’s dive in!

Happy Thursday!

Today we’re going to talk about comfort watching – what it is, and how to do it successfully. So however you get comfy before you comfort watch, do that now; put on your PJs, your workout clothes, a homemade cosplay project, or nothing at all (no judgment!) and settle in for a little chat!

Continue reading “Cinema Quarantino: Comfort Watching”